Dartis SPT Correlations

  • More than 200 correlations
  • Powerful presentation of results
  • User friendly
  • No need for installing big volume databases
  • Bearing capacity estimation from SPT

SPT Correlations Software

The Standard Penetration Test (SPT) is the most popular and economical test for evaluation of subsurface information, both on land and offshore. This test is widely used to obtain the bearing capacity of soil for shallow and deep (pile) foundations. Blow counts (N) measured in the field are corrected for rod length, borehole size, sampler type, and hammer energy level. The corrected blow counts (N60) are then used for estimation of various soil properties and bearing capacity.

Dartis SPT is a powerful, user-friendly software for correlating soil properties from SPT blow counts. We have gone through many papers and geotechnical reference books and collected over 200 SPT correlations with various soil properties.

Right Correlations

Every correlation is developed for certain soil. Dartis SPT knows that. At a specific depth, based on the site stratigraphy Dartis SPT only uses the correlations that are developed for that type of soil. We have categorized the soil types as Coarse and Fine-Grained, Coarse-Grained and Fine-Grained. Each correlation may be valid for one of above.

Dartis SPT

System Requirements

  • Min. 1024×768 Screen Resolution
  • Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10
  • Microsoft .Net 4.7.2
  • 100 MB of Disk Space
Overburden correction factor (Cn)
Allowable Bearing Capacity

Relative Density (Dr)
Friction Angle (Phi)
Elastic Modulus (Es)
Shear Wave Velocity (Vs)
Shear Modulus (Gmax)

Undrained Shear Strength (su)
Unconfined Compressive Strength (qu)
Pressuremeter Modulus (Ep)
Elastic Modulus (Vs)
Shear Modulus (Gmax)

Dartis SPT Equations


Dartis SPT shows the equations used for each correlation. Just click on each correlation and the equation will be shown below the list of correlations. Equations have also been included in the report.

Dartis SPT Correlations software

Correction of SPT Blow Counts

The program automatically applies the following corrections on SPT field data (N) to obtain N60 and N1(60): Borehole Size, Sampling Method, Rod Length, Energy Level, Overburden Stress Corrections (covers 6 methods), Water Level Correction (optional – for bearing capacity analysis when N60≥15)

Bearing Capacity Analysis

Using ِDartis SPT you can estimate bearing capacity of footings based on SPT blow counts.

  • Teng (1969)
  • Meyerhof Method
  • General Terzaghi Formula
  • Terzaghi and Peck (1948)
  • Modified Meyerhof (1965)
  • Anagnostopoulos et al. (1991)
  • Burland and Burbidge (1985)
Dartis SPT bearing capacity estimation


Geotechnical Engineering Solutions

We develop, with the highest care and precision, software in the fields of Geotechnical engineering.
bearing capacity and settlement analysis

Dartis Foundation

“Dartis Foundation” calculates bearing capacity of shallow foundations considering both “shear failure” and “settlement”.

SPT correlations software

Correlate SPT blow counts. Dartis SPT offers more than 200 correlations.

Soil Direct shear test

Lab testing Software

designed for processing multiple common soil mechanics tests and reporting.

Soil Classification Suite

designed for processing multiple common soil mechanics tests. mainly for purpose of engineering soil classification and reporting.